Project: Evaluation of the Participation of Internally Displaced Victims and Municipalities in Economic Development in the Departments of Caquetá and Meta, Colombia (Participación de Víctimas y Municipios de Acogida en el Desarrollo Económico de los departamentos Caquetá y Meta, Colombia - PROINTCAME)
Date: 2019
Global Partner: German Institute for Development Evaluation/DEval, Germany
Local Partner: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (GIZ)
Background: After the signing of the 2016 peace accord between the National Government of Colombia and delegates from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), international programs were launched to boost the local economy by increasing income and employment levels among the victims of conflict. New sources of income were introduced, including agribusinesses in coffee, cocoa, livestock and dairy farming. Infrastructure and structural support for these sectors was provided to strengthen value chains and promote urban microbusinesses.
The GIZ implemented the pilot project PROINTCAME in 2018 to accelerate income growth and job creation. Its objective was to increase the income of the victim population, stimulating conditions that would allow the generation of new jobs, improve employability, and strengthen grassroots organizations. Producer associations and microenterprises were targeted together with municipal employees in the departments of Meta and Caquetá.
Purpose: The evaluation utilized the Inclusive Systemic Assessment for Gender equality, Environment and Marginalized voices (ISE4GEMs) as a methodology and was part of a broader strategic evaluation carried out by DEval in multiple countries.