Our Internship Program
Ethos of Engagement Consulting accepts interns. Interns assist EoE to do commercial project work as well as background projects. Interns built this website and have contributed to our social media, developing training packages, written articles and blogs and shadowed our administrative and managerial tasks. We collaboratively develop learning goals for the internship and do regular checkin meetings to determine progress made and support needed.
Interns may participate in the following activities:
· Contribute as a project team member to EoE tendered evaluation and/or research commercial projects
Prepare research papers on various topics that contribute to EoE project work
Creation and pilot of online training and courses
Expand exposure and knowledge of ISE4GEMs through social media and evaluation associations/platforms
Create a blog on ISE4GEMs for the EoE community and social media platforms
Website development and/or maintenance
Identification and drafting of proposal for tender opportunities
Other activities as collaboratively identified
To qualify for an EoE Intern position, candidates must have completed or near completed an Undergraduate or Masters Degree in Social and Behavioural Science, Systems Sciences, Development Studies, International Relations, Arts, Business or a related field, at a recognised University or Institute of Higher Learning.
Students needing credit towards their degree are welcome to apply.
Our intake is year-round. Contact Ellen or Anne if you're interested in learning more about our program.
Meet our recent interns

Julia van der Waerden
International Studies and Development graduate, RMIT Melbourne
December 2022 to February 2023
My main focus throughout my studies has been gender equity and that is the field I want to go into eventually, though I'm also interested in the ways this intersects with poverty, war and security. I would eventually like to work for an organization that has the capacity and resources to create great change in the world. I am also heavily aligned with grassroots organizations doing amazing work for the communities they are involved with.

Georgia Saint-Clare
International Studies and Development, RMIT Melbourne
December 2022 to March 2023
Georgia is completing her undergraduate degree in International Studies at RMIT Melbourne, with a focus on international and community development. Her initial interest in these areas was prompted by her parents’ experience as refugees however, throughout her degree her interests have expanded into gender equity, the climate crisis, and decolonisation/decolonoial practice. Currently, Georgia is working within various local social outreach programs that encourage empowerment and social connecting for women seeking asylum in Australia, and provide regular pantry supplies to those experiencing food instability. She is passionate about political advocacy and intersectionality, and hopes to be better equipped to advocate for marginalized voices as a result of this internship. ​